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Meghan Masotti
May 29, 20234 min read
Why do antidepressants work for some people but not others?
By Meghan Masotti Living with depression may feel like you’re underwater. The depth and turbulence of the water can vary day by day, or...
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Nicolas Scrutton Alvarado
May 11, 20235 min read
How does meditation affect my mental health?
By Nicolas Scrutton Alvarado Even if you’ve never seriously meditated, you already know the basics of the practice. Sitting comfortably,...
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Mentally Minded -
Apr 12, 20234 min read
Can lupus affect mental health?
Lupus is one example of an auto-immune disorder that attacks not only the body, but also the mind.
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Elisa Gonçalves de Andrade
Apr 3, 20235 min read
What do sex and gender have to do with mental health?
By Elisa Gonçalves de Andrade On the table, there is a cake with pink and blue frosting. Inside the cake, a secret: the colour of the...
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Mentally Minded -
Mar 11, 20234 min read
How does drug use affect mental illness?
By: Britany Rufenach We all get overwhelmed sometimes. In a room with deafening noise, blinding lights, people constantly bumping into...
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Nicolas Scrutton Alvarado
Feb 2, 20233 min read
How are mental health illnesses like or unlike physical ones?
By Nicolas Scrutton Alvarado For over 2000 years, doctors and philosophers alike have been struggling to understand the causes of mental...
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Elisa Gonçalves de Andrade
Nov 23, 20223 min read
What are the different mental illnesses out there and how do I know what I have?
By Elisa Gonçalves de Andrade I would argue that, at least once in our lifetime, we all wonder whether our brains are working properly....
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Mentally Minded -
Sep 19, 20224 min read
How do I know I need help?
By Teodora Stoica There is nothing more alarming than an ambulance. On a quiet road, its screeching sounds, blinding lights and...
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Nicolas Scrutton Alvarado
Aug 1, 20225 min read
Why is it so hard to talk about mental health?
By Nicolas Scrutton Alvarado Have you ever been in a conversation where you just can’t quite get the words out? I know I have. It may...
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Mentally Minded -
May 20, 20224 min read
The History of Mental Health
While in therapy confronting my traumatic experiences and struggling to answer as my therapist asks “tell me more,” I wonder if perhaps a...
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